Title: A Killer Next Door 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Andrew Jones
Writer: Andrew Jones
Stars: Derek Nelson, Nigel Barber, Jason Gregg
Synopsis: Hollywood Full Movie A Killer Next Door 2020 without advertisement interruptions. The story of the movie revolves around John List, who killed his wife, mother, and three children in their home in New Jersey. And disappeared without a trace. Eighteen years later, in a small town in Virginia, there is a girl named Stephanie Hancock who is confined to her home recovering from a broken leg. To spend her time, she spies on her neighbors. And one day she suddenly begins to suspect that one of her neighbors, Bob Clark, is actually John List. Afdah movies 2020 enables users to watch popular movies absolutely free.
2020 Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Andrew Jones
Writer: Andrew Jones
Stars: Derek Nelson, Nigel Barber, Jason Gregg
Synopsis: Hollywood Full Movie A Killer Next Door 2020 without advertisement interruptions. The story of the movie revolves around John List, who killed his wife, mother, and three children in their home in New Jersey. And disappeared without a trace. Eighteen years later, in a small town in Virginia, there is a girl named Stephanie Hancock who is confined to her home recovering from a broken leg. To spend her time, she spies on her neighbors. And one day she suddenly begins to suspect that one of her neighbors, Bob Clark, is actually John List. Afdah movies 2020 enables users to watch popular movies absolutely free.