Title: Agent Revelation 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Derek Ting
Writer: Derek Ting
Stars: Derek Ting, Michael Dorn, Kayla Ewell
How to watch the movie Agent Revelation 2021 on Afdah online?
A sci-fi action movie depicting the threat of aliens returning to earth. The movie is written and directed by Derek Ting. Derek Ting himself is the starring actor in the movie as a character named, Jim Yung. Jim Yung in the movie gets ancient dust which belongs to the aliens who arrived on earth many years back in the past. He becomes superhuman after getting that dust. He has powers that can gain control over humans. When aliens get to know about this, they planned to return to earth. Then Jim Yung is trained for an operation to handle the threat created by aliens. He operated it well and found why aliens are returning to earth. Watch this action sci-fi Hollywood movie on afdah movie without commercials.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Derek Ting
Writer: Derek Ting
Stars: Derek Ting, Michael Dorn, Kayla Ewell
How to watch the movie Agent Revelation 2021 on Afdah online?
A sci-fi action movie depicting the threat of aliens returning to earth. The movie is written and directed by Derek Ting. Derek Ting himself is the starring actor in the movie as a character named, Jim Yung. Jim Yung in the movie gets ancient dust which belongs to the aliens who arrived on earth many years back in the past. He becomes superhuman after getting that dust. He has powers that can gain control over humans. When aliens get to know about this, they planned to return to earth. Then Jim Yung is trained for an operation to handle the threat created by aliens. He operated it well and found why aliens are returning to earth. Watch this action sci-fi Hollywood movie on afdah movie without commercials.
2021 Movies, Action Movies, Sci-Fi Movies, Thriller Movies