Title: Attraction to Paris 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Crime, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Jesús del Cerro
Writer: Irmgard Pagan, Jesús del Cerro, Julie Thompson
Stars: Christopher Atkins, Tara Reid, Dina De Laurentiis
How to watch Attraction to Paris 2021 online?
Attraction to Paris is the latest released Hollywood movie which is directed by Jesús del Cerro. The actors in the movie are Christopher Atkins, Tara Reid, Dina De Laurentiis. The movie revolves around Heather who is a teenage girl and studying in a college. After his father’s murder, she is in depression so she plans a trip to Europe. She thinking that the trip helps him to relax her mind that helps her to think about his life what to do next. But soon she met three young Parisian. They are rich and their life is busy in wild city nightlife. Their nightlife attracts Heather towards him. But they stuck in a big problem when in their lives enter a local terror group. How they get off all of it is a big thrill of the movie. Visit afdah movies part 3 to watch movies without paying charges.

2021 Movies, Action Movies, Crime Movies, Thriller Movies