Title: Edge of the World 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Adventure,
Quality: HD
Directors: Michael Haussman
Writer: Rob Allyn
Stars: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Josie Ho, Dominic Monaghan
How to watch Edge of the World 2021 online?
Edge of the World is an adventure and drama-based Hollywood movie. The movie is directed by Michael Haussman with the actors Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Josie Ho, Dominic Monaghan. The movie story is based on a true event where the famous British explorer James Brook is going on an adventure trip after tired of the daily lifestyle in England. After some days they stopped his ship on an island where they meet indigenous people. These peoples belong to this island and also they follow their own rules and regulations. They take James with them and show him her lifestyle and traditions. James also fights with them against the King for the rights and problems of the island’s peoples. Visit afdah movies online to watch movies without paying charges.

2021 Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies