Title: Morbius 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Daniel Espinosa
Writer: Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless
Stars: Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona
How to watch Morbius 2022 online?
At a hospital in Greece, 10-year-old Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) greets his surrogate brother Lucien. Whom he renamed Milo (Matt Smith). They are associated with their shared blood disease and desire to be normal. Their adoptive father and the hospital’s director Dr. Emil Nicholas (Jared Harris), planned for Michael to attend medical school in New York. But he was focused on caring for Milo. Twenty-five years later, Michael publicly denied the Nobel Prize for his work with synthetic blood. Michael’s colleague Martine Bancroft (Adria Arjona) has learned that he has secretly captured dozens of vampire bats from Costa Rica. He is in the hope of sharing his genes with them to correct his condition. After informing Nicholas and Milo about his planned illegal experiment, Michael receives funding to build a private charter ship in international waters with his equipment. When the treatment works, it turns Michael into a vampire. Fearing for his life, Michael kills the crew and draws their blood. Once his bloodthirst subsides and he regains consciousness, a frightened Michael erases all CCTV footage of his experiment before contacting authorities and jumping overboard. Michael returned to New York and found that he now had supernatural powers, speed, reflection, and echolocation, his vampire bats using him as a bat. He feeds on his synthetic blood until it gradually ceases to meet his needs. FBI Agent Simon Stroud (Tyrese Gibson) and Rodriguez (Al Madrigal) examine Michael’s victims and determine his involvement. Milo finds out that Michael is healed, but he gets angry when Michael refuses to heal him. While examining Bancroft, who was admitted to the hospital, Michael finds a dead nurse who was bleeding. Assuming he was responsible, he tried to flee before being surrounded and arrested. In prison, Michael is met by Milo, who offers to use his wealth to set him free. Realizing that Milo had treated himself and killed the nurse, Michael ran to meet him. An unrepentant Milo confesses to his bloodthirsty crime and urges Michael to use his powers as he has. Not ready to hurt his brother, Michael ran away. Afdahtv Movies is the best and top-ranking platform for watching trending as well as the latest films and Web series online free in 1080p.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Daniel Espinosa
Writer: Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless
Stars: Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona
How to watch Morbius 2022 online?
At a hospital in Greece, 10-year-old Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) greets his surrogate brother Lucien. Whom he renamed Milo (Matt Smith). They are associated with their shared blood disease and desire to be normal. Their adoptive father and the hospital’s director Dr. Emil Nicholas (Jared Harris), planned for Michael to attend medical school in New York. But he was focused on caring for Milo. Twenty-five years later, Michael publicly denied the Nobel Prize for his work with synthetic blood. Michael’s colleague Martine Bancroft (Adria Arjona) has learned that he has secretly captured dozens of vampire bats from Costa Rica. He is in the hope of sharing his genes with them to correct his condition. After informing Nicholas and Milo about his planned illegal experiment, Michael receives funding to build a private charter ship in international waters with his equipment. When the treatment works, it turns Michael into a vampire. Fearing for his life, Michael kills the crew and draws their blood. Once his bloodthirst subsides and he regains consciousness, a frightened Michael erases all CCTV footage of his experiment before contacting authorities and jumping overboard. Michael returned to New York and found that he now had supernatural powers, speed, reflection, and echolocation, his vampire bats using him as a bat. He feeds on his synthetic blood until it gradually ceases to meet his needs. FBI Agent Simon Stroud (Tyrese Gibson) and Rodriguez (Al Madrigal) examine Michael’s victims and determine his involvement. Milo finds out that Michael is healed, but he gets angry when Michael refuses to heal him. While examining Bancroft, who was admitted to the hospital, Michael finds a dead nurse who was bleeding. Assuming he was responsible, he tried to flee before being surrounded and arrested. In prison, Michael is met by Milo, who offers to use his wealth to set him free. Realizing that Milo had treated himself and killed the nurse, Michael ran to meet him. An unrepentant Milo confesses to his bloodthirsty crime and urges Michael to use his powers as he has. Not ready to hurt his brother, Michael ran away. Afdahtv Movies is the best and top-ranking platform for watching trending as well as the latest films and Web series online free in 1080p.
2022, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, afdah en español, English Movie, Horror Movies, Sci-Fi Movies, Thriller Movies