Title: Room 203 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Ben Jagger
Writer: Ben Jagger, Nanami Kamon, John Poliquin
Stars: Francesca Xuereb, Viktoria Vinyarska, Eric Wiegand
How to watch Room 203 2022 online?
Room 203, adapted from a Japanese novel entitled and directed by Ben Jagger, falls into the Horror category. There is a hole in the wall in Kim White’s (Francesca Xuereb) room that mysteriously pulls out a shiny silver pendant. When Izzy Davis (Viktoria Vinyarska) puts her hand inside and the room begins to stink. A curious Kim is pushed into college by her new friend, Lan (Eric Wiegand) to explore the history of the apartment. There is a window in their drawing room which is painted like a glass wall, and there is no bright light in the rooms. It’s a small apartment but it looks so old and tired of the layers of renovation that it successfully assures you of its promised American-Gothic atmosphere. Even during the hottest hours, the color palette in the film wears a cool gray cardigan. It helps to illuminate some amber-colored light sources around the frightened characters, but it obscures the night scenes so much that you fail to understand the characters’ actions from time to time. Here on Afdah Movies Part 5, you will get to watch the most recently released films that you may have missed to watch, here you can watch them for free and in full HD Print.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Ben Jagger
Writer: Ben Jagger, Nanami Kamon, John Poliquin
Stars: Francesca Xuereb, Viktoria Vinyarska, Eric Wiegand
How to watch Room 203 2022 online?
Room 203, adapted from a Japanese novel entitled and directed by Ben Jagger, falls into the Horror category. There is a hole in the wall in Kim White’s (Francesca Xuereb) room that mysteriously pulls out a shiny silver pendant. When Izzy Davis (Viktoria Vinyarska) puts her hand inside and the room begins to stink. A curious Kim is pushed into college by her new friend, Lan (Eric Wiegand) to explore the history of the apartment. There is a window in their drawing room which is painted like a glass wall, and there is no bright light in the rooms. It’s a small apartment but it looks so old and tired of the layers of renovation that it successfully assures you of its promised American-Gothic atmosphere. Even during the hottest hours, the color palette in the film wears a cool gray cardigan. It helps to illuminate some amber-colored light sources around the frightened characters, but it obscures the night scenes so much that you fail to understand the characters’ actions from time to time. Here on Afdah Movies Part 5, you will get to watch the most recently released films that you may have missed to watch, here you can watch them for free and in full HD Print.
2022, afdah en español, English Movie, Horror Movies