Title: The 24th 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, History
Quality: HD
Directors: Kevin Willmott
Writer: Kevin Willmott, Trai Byers
Stars: Trai Byers, Bashir Salahuddin, Aja Naomi King
Synopsis: Complete hd streaming of latest movie The 24th 2020. The film takes place in 1917. In Houston, the construction of Camp Logan is in full swing where the 24th Infantry Regiment of the US Army is arriving. It includes only black soldiers unhappy with their appointment. They believe that they face a clear manifestation of racism as their white brothers went to the front, and they are forced to sit in their pants at the construction site. But the heroes do not even imagine that battles take place not only on the battlefield. Much worse is the moral blows inflicted with no weapon. Ahead they are waiting for several direct clashes with a die-hard enemy which will lead to the beginning of the uprising with unpredictable consequences. Afdah movie is a user-friendly ad-free site with superb speed and efficiency.
2020 Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, History Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, History
Quality: HD
Directors: Kevin Willmott
Writer: Kevin Willmott, Trai Byers
Stars: Trai Byers, Bashir Salahuddin, Aja Naomi King
Synopsis: Complete hd streaming of latest movie The 24th 2020. The film takes place in 1917. In Houston, the construction of Camp Logan is in full swing where the 24th Infantry Regiment of the US Army is arriving. It includes only black soldiers unhappy with their appointment. They believe that they face a clear manifestation of racism as their white brothers went to the front, and they are forced to sit in their pants at the construction site. But the heroes do not even imagine that battles take place not only on the battlefield. Much worse is the moral blows inflicted with no weapon. Ahead they are waiting for several direct clashes with a die-hard enemy which will lead to the beginning of the uprising with unpredictable consequences. Afdah movie is a user-friendly ad-free site with superb speed and efficiency.