Title: The Addams Family 2 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon, Laura Brousseau
Writer: Dan Hernandez, Benji Samit, Ben Queen
Stars: Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz
How to watch The Addams Family 2 2021 online?
The Addams Family 2 2021 is a sequel Animation film full of Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, and Horror. This film is now streaming online here. This film has scored 5.3/10 IMDB ratings till now. In this sequel spooky family is back to entertain you. Morticia and Gomez are the couples who were distraught about their children. Because they are growing up, and skipping family dinners for their fun. Wednesday Addams, Pugsley Addams, Uncle Fester planed to reclaim their bond a go for a miserable family vacation. This whole film is directed by Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon, and Laura Brousseau. Story writing work is done by Dan Hernandez, Benji Samit, and Ben Queen. You can enjoy this animated film with your family and kids too. Watch similar films full of fun and laughter with the Afdah Comedy tab, visit now and enjoy movies for free.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon, Laura Brousseau
Writer: Dan Hernandez, Benji Samit, Ben Queen
Stars: Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz
How to watch The Addams Family 2 2021 online?
The Addams Family 2 2021 is a sequel Animation film full of Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, and Horror. This film is now streaming online here. This film has scored 5.3/10 IMDB ratings till now. In this sequel spooky family is back to entertain you. Morticia and Gomez are the couples who were distraught about their children. Because they are growing up, and skipping family dinners for their fun. Wednesday Addams, Pugsley Addams, Uncle Fester planed to reclaim their bond a go for a miserable family vacation. This whole film is directed by Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon, and Laura Brousseau. Story writing work is done by Dan Hernandez, Benji Samit, and Ben Queen. You can enjoy this animated film with your family and kids too. Watch similar films full of fun and laughter with the Afdah Comedy tab, visit now and enjoy movies for free.
2021 Movies, Adventure Movies, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies, Family Movies, Fantasy Movies, Horror Movies