Title: 12 Strong (2018)
Genres: 2018 Movies | Action, Drama, History
Language: English
Directors: Nicolai Fuglsig
Writers: Ted Tally, Peter Craig
Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, Michael Peña
Synopsis: “12 Strong” is a 2018 action movie directed by Nicolai Fuglsig. 12 Strong recounts the narrative of the primary Special Forces group sent to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the authority of another commander, the group must work with an Afghan warlord to bring down the Taliban. Watch more Afdah free movies online streaming like this without any cost.
2018 Movies, Action Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, History Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies | Action, Drama, History
Language: English
Directors: Nicolai Fuglsig
Writers: Ted Tally, Peter Craig
Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, Michael Peña
Synopsis: “12 Strong” is a 2018 action movie directed by Nicolai Fuglsig. 12 Strong recounts the narrative of the primary Special Forces group sent to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the authority of another commander, the group must work with an Afghan warlord to bring down the Taliban. Watch more Afdah free movies online streaming like this without any cost.