Title: A Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Quality: HD
Directors: Rachel Talalay
Writer: Joe Ballarini
Stars: Tamara Smart, Oona Laurence, Tom Felton
Synopsis: Stream A Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting 2020 movie with no charges and with no membership. Kelly Ferguson is a young girl who is a student in high school. Kelly reluctantly agrees to babysit Jacob Zellman on Halloween and finds herself in unexpected situations. When the child she’s caring for is kidnapped by monsters, Kelly meets a secret society of brave nannies who protect children around the world from various monster species. The young girl and her new group embark on a tough fight to save Jacob. Now browse afdah page 2 online without paying a dime.
Genres: 2020 Movies | Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Quality: HD
Directors: Rachel Talalay
Writer: Joe Ballarini
Stars: Tamara Smart, Oona Laurence, Tom Felton
Synopsis: Stream A Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting 2020 movie with no charges and with no membership. Kelly Ferguson is a young girl who is a student in high school. Kelly reluctantly agrees to babysit Jacob Zellman on Halloween and finds herself in unexpected situations. When the child she’s caring for is kidnapped by monsters, Kelly meets a secret society of brave nannies who protect children around the world from various monster species. The young girl and her new group embark on a tough fight to save Jacob. Now browse afdah page 2 online without paying a dime.
2020 Movies, Comedy Movies, English Movie, Family Movies, Fantasy Movies