Title: A-X-L 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Action , Adventure , Family
Directors: Oliver Daly
Writer: Oliver Daly
Stars: Becky G, Thomas Jane, Ted McGinley

Synopsis: In Malaysia, a spacecraft collides with a single survivor, an astronaut who has attached a symbiote, an alien occupying bodies. At the same time, a journalist named Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) loses his girlfriend (Michelle Williams) and is fired from his job after asking about the success of the ship to Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), president of the foundation Il promoted the space program and experimenting the fusion between Simbiotes and humans. Get afdah movie streaming like this without any download.
2018 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, English Movie, Family Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies | Action , Adventure , Family
Directors: Oliver Daly
Writer: Oliver Daly
Stars: Becky G, Thomas Jane, Ted McGinley

Synopsis: In Malaysia, a spacecraft collides with a single survivor, an astronaut who has attached a symbiote, an alien occupying bodies. At the same time, a journalist named Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) loses his girlfriend (Michelle Williams) and is fired from his job after asking about the success of the ship to Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), president of the foundation Il promoted the space program and experimenting the fusion between Simbiotes and humans. Get afdah movie streaming like this without any download.