Title: Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Comedy, Crime
Quality: HD
Directors: George Kirby, Harry Kirby
Writer: Scott Adkins, Stu Small
Stars: Scott Adkins, Ray Stevenson, Perry Benson
How to watch Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday 2022 online?
The sequel to the crime comedy “Accident” will introduce viewers to contract killer Mike Fallon. If the first film’s plot was set in foggy Albion, the sequel takes place in sunny Malta. Now the protagonist of the action-packed comedy must keep an eye on his boss’s spoiled son, who leads a large criminal organisation. Every time this guy tries to kill someone, Fallon is forced to participate in the shootouts. According to his rivals, in order to find the son of a mafia, he dispatched the most frostbitten killers from around the world. Everyone is surprised by his high pain threshold as the owner of a cinder block sledgehammer. In addition, he will become the series’ main character. Nothing of the furniture or the environment remains after a fight with them. Machetes, axes, various knives, and fittings can be used by skilled hunters. Mike Fallon befriended Picky Fred, who previously wanted to destroy him, and in the sequel to “Accident,” Mike Fallon has become a reliable partner. Watch free movies on afdah website without membership.
2022, Action Movies, Comedy Movies, Crime Movies
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Comedy, Crime
Quality: HD
Directors: George Kirby, Harry Kirby
Writer: Scott Adkins, Stu Small
Stars: Scott Adkins, Ray Stevenson, Perry Benson
How to watch Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday 2022 online?
The sequel to the crime comedy “Accident” will introduce viewers to contract killer Mike Fallon. If the first film’s plot was set in foggy Albion, the sequel takes place in sunny Malta. Now the protagonist of the action-packed comedy must keep an eye on his boss’s spoiled son, who leads a large criminal organisation. Every time this guy tries to kill someone, Fallon is forced to participate in the shootouts. According to his rivals, in order to find the son of a mafia, he dispatched the most frostbitten killers from around the world. Everyone is surprised by his high pain threshold as the owner of a cinder block sledgehammer. In addition, he will become the series’ main character. Nothing of the furniture or the environment remains after a fight with them. Machetes, axes, various knives, and fittings can be used by skilled hunters. Mike Fallon befriended Picky Fred, who previously wanted to destroy him, and in the sequel to “Accident,” Mike Fallon has become a reliable partner. Watch free movies on afdah website without membership.