Title: Ahsoka S01 E01
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Quality: HD
Stars: Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Mary Elizabeth Winstead
How to watch Ahsoka S01 E01 online?
In the aftermath of the Empire’s defeat, the titular heroine, former Jeni Night Ashoka Tano, embarks on a voyage to investigate a developing and deadly threat to the newly created Republic. Throughout her journey, she meets old friends and allies like her former apprentice Sabine Wren and New Republic commander Hera Syndulla, as well as new enemies like former Jedi Baylan Skill, his apprentice Shin Hati, and Morgan Elsbeth, one of Dathomir’s last remaining Nightsisters. Enjoy latest TV shows now on any device with Afdah live.
Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Afdah 2023, Drama Movies, tv show
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Quality: HD
Stars: Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Mary Elizabeth Winstead
How to watch Ahsoka S01 E01 online?
In the aftermath of the Empire’s defeat, the titular heroine, former Jeni Night Ashoka Tano, embarks on a voyage to investigate a developing and deadly threat to the newly created Republic. Throughout her journey, she meets old friends and allies like her former apprentice Sabine Wren and New Republic commander Hera Syndulla, as well as new enemies like former Jedi Baylan Skill, his apprentice Shin Hati, and Morgan Elsbeth, one of Dathomir’s last remaining Nightsisters. Enjoy latest TV shows now on any device with Afdah live.