Title: AKA 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Crime, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Morgan S. Dalibert
Writer: Morgan S. Dalibert, Alban Lenoir
Stars: Alban Lenoir, Eric Cantona, Thibault de Montalembert
How to watch movie AKA 2023 online?
In the film, Adam Franco is a special ops operative with nearly 20 years of experience. While France is plagued by a string of terror attacks, Adam’s next mission is to go undercover and gather information on a deadly and cruel mafia leader named Victor Pastore. After gaining Victor’s trust, Adam forms a close bond/friendship with his little son, Jonathan. He starts to question his identity as an undercover spy as a result. Enjoy similar movies now at home only on Afdah video.
Action Movies, Afdah 2023, Crime Movies, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Crime, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Morgan S. Dalibert
Writer: Morgan S. Dalibert, Alban Lenoir
Stars: Alban Lenoir, Eric Cantona, Thibault de Montalembert
How to watch movie AKA 2023 online?
In the film, Adam Franco is a special ops operative with nearly 20 years of experience. While France is plagued by a string of terror attacks, Adam’s next mission is to go undercover and gather information on a deadly and cruel mafia leader named Victor Pastore. After gaining Victor’s trust, Adam forms a close bond/friendship with his little son, Jonathan. He starts to question his identity as an undercover spy as a result. Enjoy similar movies now at home only on Afdah video.