Title: Alien: Covenant (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movie | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Ridley Scott
Writer: Dan O’Bannon (based on characters created by), Ronald Shusett
Stars: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup

Alien: Covenant (2017) on IMDb

Heading to a remote planet at the other end of the galaxy, the crew of the Colony Covenant ship discovers a place that seems to be an unknown paradise. But it really is a dark and dangerous place for the members of this expedition. In what they believed was an uninhabited world, they will discover their only inhabitant: the synthetic David (Michael Fassbender), an android who was the only survivor of the unfortunate expedition Prometheus. Watch more free top english movies like this in Hd print.