Title: Artik 2019
Genres: 2019 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Tom Botchii Skowronski
Writer: Tom Botchii Skowronski
Stars: Chase Williamson, Jerry G. Angelo, Lauren Ashley Carter
Synopsis: Watch Artik Afdah full HD movie online. A comic book fixated serial killer shows his child how to pull off a progression of merciless homicides until the kid gets to know a strange man, Holton, who takes steps to uncover their frightening privileged bit of information. As Holton draws nearer to reality, he should battle for the little fellow’s life, however for his own. Watch more Afdah Horror Movies online without any cost.
2019 Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2019 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Tom Botchii Skowronski
Writer: Tom Botchii Skowronski
Stars: Chase Williamson, Jerry G. Angelo, Lauren Ashley Carter
Synopsis: Watch Artik Afdah full HD movie online. A comic book fixated serial killer shows his child how to pull off a progression of merciless homicides until the kid gets to know a strange man, Holton, who takes steps to uncover their frightening privileged bit of information. As Holton draws nearer to reality, he should battle for the little fellow’s life, however for his own. Watch more Afdah Horror Movies online without any cost.