Title: Asteroid City 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Quality: HD
Directors: Wes Anderson
Writer: Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola
Stars: Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks
How to watch Asteroid City 2023 online?
The story takes place in 1955 and revolves around Augie, a photojournalist who is left in the odd town of Asteroid City after his car breaks down. As the government imposes a quarantine due to an alien’s visit to reclaim a meteorite, the humans are forced to confront their inner struggles and form unexpected connections. Get ready for enjoying new movies of Hollywood on Afdah 2023.
Afdah 2023, Comedy Movies, Drama Movies, Romance Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Quality: HD
Directors: Wes Anderson
Writer: Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola
Stars: Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks
How to watch Asteroid City 2023 online?
The story takes place in 1955 and revolves around Augie, a photojournalist who is left in the odd town of Asteroid City after his car breaks down. As the government imposes a quarantine due to an alien’s visit to reclaim a meteorite, the humans are forced to confront their inner struggles and form unexpected connections. Get ready for enjoying new movies of Hollywood on Afdah 2023.