Title: Awakening the Zodiac (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movie | Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Jonathan Wright
Writer: Jennifer Archer, Mike Horrigan
Stars: Shane West, Leslie Bibb, Matt Craven
This film tells the story of a couple who discovers a serial killer, and they decide to capture him and get a great reward, but the killer realizes that they are watching him and are now in grave danger.
2017 Movies, Action Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2017 Movie | Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Jonathan Wright
Writer: Jennifer Archer, Mike Horrigan
Stars: Shane West, Leslie Bibb, Matt Craven
This film tells the story of a couple who discovers a serial killer, and they decide to capture him and get a great reward, but the killer realizes that they are watching him and are now in grave danger.