Title: Beast 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Adventure, Drama, Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Baltasar Kormákur
Writer: Ryan Engle, Jaime Primak Sullivan
Stars: Liyabuya Gongo, Martin Munro, Daniel Hadebe
How to watch Beast 2022 online?
The life of a successful doctor and exemplary family man, Nate Samuels, changes dramatically after the tragic death of his beloved wife. A man not only has to deal with his own pain and worries, but also single-handedly raise two teenage daughters. It is hard for Nate to come to terms with the death of his beloved, no less difficult to find a common language with daughters who were left without a mother at an age when they need her most.
To improve family relationships, Samuels and his children go on a trip to South Africa, the very place where he and his wife first met. However, a family trip soon turns into a real struggle for survival, as a bloodthirsty wild lion comes out on the trail of tourists, who is eager to tear anyone who gets in his way. A simple doctor will have to prove himself as a fearless hunter in order to return his children home safe and sound. Watch free movie online on Afdah streaming site.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Adventure, Drama, Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Baltasar Kormákur
Writer: Ryan Engle, Jaime Primak Sullivan
Stars: Liyabuya Gongo, Martin Munro, Daniel Hadebe
How to watch Beast 2022 online?
The life of a successful doctor and exemplary family man, Nate Samuels, changes dramatically after the tragic death of his beloved wife. A man not only has to deal with his own pain and worries, but also single-handedly raise two teenage daughters. It is hard for Nate to come to terms with the death of his beloved, no less difficult to find a common language with daughters who were left without a mother at an age when they need her most.
To improve family relationships, Samuels and his children go on a trip to South Africa, the very place where he and his wife first met. However, a family trip soon turns into a real struggle for survival, as a bloodthirsty wild lion comes out on the trail of tourists, who is eager to tear anyone who gets in his way. A simple doctor will have to prove himself as a fearless hunter in order to return his children home safe and sound. Watch free movie online on Afdah streaming site.
2022, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies, Horror Movies