Title: Black Adam 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Quality: HD
Directors: Jaume Collet-Serra
Writer: Adam Sztykiel, Rory Haines, Sohrab Noshirvani
Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Aldis Hodge, Pierce Brosnan
How to watch Black Adam 2022 online?
In ancient times of legend, the Egyptian deities created the perfect creature, rewarding it with incredible power. This is how Black Adam was conceived. The superman couldn’t tell the difference between good and evil, which made him a threat to the entire world. When the gods realised their error, they imprisoned him in a magical amulet to keep him from causing too much trouble. Since then, more than a millennium has passed. The prisoner, deprived of his abilities, did not give up hope of ever escaping. The wait of 5,000 years was not in vain. While excavating an ancient temple, modern archaeologists inadvertently released Adam, threatening the planet with serious consequences. The great warrior, equal in power to the gods, is now on his way to restore justice and punish everyone he believes is a threat to civilization. With his unconventional methods, Black Adam resembles a villain rather than the hero that the world required. Mankind will perish if he does not learn to control himself. Watch free movies on afdah2 website without membership.
2022, Action Movies, Fantasy Movies, Sci-Fi Movies
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Quality: HD
Directors: Jaume Collet-Serra
Writer: Adam Sztykiel, Rory Haines, Sohrab Noshirvani
Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Aldis Hodge, Pierce Brosnan
How to watch Black Adam 2022 online?
In ancient times of legend, the Egyptian deities created the perfect creature, rewarding it with incredible power. This is how Black Adam was conceived. The superman couldn’t tell the difference between good and evil, which made him a threat to the entire world. When the gods realised their error, they imprisoned him in a magical amulet to keep him from causing too much trouble. Since then, more than a millennium has passed. The prisoner, deprived of his abilities, did not give up hope of ever escaping. The wait of 5,000 years was not in vain. While excavating an ancient temple, modern archaeologists inadvertently released Adam, threatening the planet with serious consequences. The great warrior, equal in power to the gods, is now on his way to restore justice and punish everyone he believes is a threat to civilization. With his unconventional methods, Black Adam resembles a villain rather than the hero that the world required. Mankind will perish if he does not learn to control himself. Watch free movies on afdah2 website without membership.