Title: Black Butterfly (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movie | Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Brian Goodman
Writer: Marc Frydman, Justin Stanley
Stars: Sean Bean, Patrick Sabongui, Mary McCormack
Paul is a writer at low hours who one day picks up a tramp and offers him to stay with him in his secluded log cabin. But the stranger decides to take Paul as a hostage and compels him to write all his intimate secrets, buried for years. Watch more free Afdah english movies like this in HD picture quality.
2017 Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2017 Movie | Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Brian Goodman
Writer: Marc Frydman, Justin Stanley
Stars: Sean Bean, Patrick Sabongui, Mary McCormack
Paul is a writer at low hours who one day picks up a tramp and offers him to stay with him in his secluded log cabin. But the stranger decides to take Paul as a hostage and compels him to write all his intimate secrets, buried for years. Watch more free Afdah english movies like this in HD picture quality.