Title: Black Lightning S02E09 (The Book of Rebellion, Chapter Two, Gift of the Magi)
Genres: Drama, Action,Sci-Fi
Language: English
IMDB Rating: – 5.6/10
Directors: Benny Boom
Writer: Tony Isabella, Trevor Von Eeden
Stars: Cress Williams, China Anne McClain, Nafessa Williams
Synopsis: Jefferson Pierce is a man grappling with a mystery. As the dad of two little girls and primary of a sanction secondary school that additionally fills in as a place of refuge for youngsters in a New Orleans neighborhood invade by group savagery, he is a legend to his locale. Watch for more films by afdah tv without any cost.
2018 Movies, Action Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, Sci-Fi Movies
Genres: Drama, Action,Sci-Fi
Language: English
IMDB Rating: – 5.6/10
Directors: Benny Boom
Writer: Tony Isabella, Trevor Von Eeden
Stars: Cress Williams, China Anne McClain, Nafessa Williams
Synopsis: Jefferson Pierce is a man grappling with a mystery. As the dad of two little girls and primary of a sanction secondary school that additionally fills in as a place of refuge for youngsters in a New Orleans neighborhood invade by group savagery, he is a legend to his locale. Watch for more films by afdah tv without any cost.