Title: Blood Gold 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Drama, War
Quality: HD
Directors: Peter Thorwarth
Writer: Stefan Barth
Stars: Robert Maaser, Jördis Triebel, Alexander Scheer
How to watch Blood Gold 2023 online?
Because of his displeasure with his side’s attitude and desire to return home and find his child, Heinrich, a lowly soldier in a small regiment, is ready to be executed for deserting. Contrary to the brutal efficiency of the German stereotype, the troops just drive away after completing their task and leave him to die. He is cut down from the tree by Elsa, the brave farmer’s daughter, who is defending both her house and her brother Paule. Despite having an undiscovered learning problem, Elsa was able to spare Paule from being taken to the Nazi death camps, as so many other defective people were. Heinrich and his siblings, on the other hand, would soon have to defend the farm against attackers. Get access to free movie library only on afdah website.
Action Movies, Afdah 2023, Drama Movies, War Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Drama, War
Quality: HD
Directors: Peter Thorwarth
Writer: Stefan Barth
Stars: Robert Maaser, Jördis Triebel, Alexander Scheer
How to watch Blood Gold 2023 online?
Because of his displeasure with his side’s attitude and desire to return home and find his child, Heinrich, a lowly soldier in a small regiment, is ready to be executed for deserting. Contrary to the brutal efficiency of the German stereotype, the troops just drive away after completing their task and leave him to die. He is cut down from the tree by Elsa, the brave farmer’s daughter, who is defending both her house and her brother Paule. Despite having an undiscovered learning problem, Elsa was able to spare Paule from being taken to the Nazi death camps, as so many other defective people were. Heinrich and his siblings, on the other hand, would soon have to defend the farm against attackers. Get access to free movie library only on afdah website.