Title: Boogie 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama,
Quality: HD
Directors: Eddie Huang
Writer: Eddie Huang
Stars: Taylor Takahashi, Pamelyn Chee, Jorge Lendeborg Jr.
How to watch Boogie 2021 online?
Boogie is a sports drama movie which is directed by Eddie Huang with the actors Taylor Takahashi, Pamelyn Chee, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., who is the best in their roles. The movie revolves around the character Alfred ‘Boogie’ Chin who is a teenage boy and studying in a city college. He wishes to play one day in NBA and for it, he is hard working. But the problem is that her parents want that he gets a scholarship to get admission to a famous college. He is not so good at studying and follows his dream. In the movie, we also see her struggle for managing her love life, parents, college issue, dream, etc. Visit afdah free movies to watch movies without paying charges.

2021 Movies, Drama Movies