Title: Braid 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 5.3/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Mitzi Peirone
Writer: Mitzi Peirone
Stars: Madeline Brewer, Imogen Waterhouse, Sarah Hay
Synopsis: Two girls Petula, Tilda scheme to steal from their rich, but psychotic, old friend Daphne, a girl who seems to be immersed in the fantasy world they created when they were young. However, when she realizes what her friends are doing, she fixes on to submit them to a test: she will provide them the money if they take part in a sophisticated game and increasingly dangerous. That she has been designing for years. Get more horror movies streaming like this without any download.
2018 Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies, Mystery Movies, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 5.3/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Mitzi Peirone
Writer: Mitzi Peirone
Stars: Madeline Brewer, Imogen Waterhouse, Sarah Hay
Synopsis: Two girls Petula, Tilda scheme to steal from their rich, but psychotic, old friend Daphne, a girl who seems to be immersed in the fantasy world they created when they were young. However, when she realizes what her friends are doing, she fixes on to submit them to a test: she will provide them the money if they take part in a sophisticated game and increasingly dangerous. That she has been designing for years. Get more horror movies streaming like this without any download.