Title: Catherine Called Birdy 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Adventure
Quality: HD
Directors: Lena Dunham
Writer: Lena Dunham, Karen Cushman, Aditya Agnihotri
Stars: Bella Ramsey, Billie Piper, Andrew Scott
How to watch Catherine Called Birdy 2022 online?
Katherine is raised by a domineering father and a caring mother. The girl’s fate is complicated by her parents’ various personalities. There isn’t much entertainment in a small town in a remote English province. Her father is a knight who takes part in military campaigns. When the man returns home, he decides it’s time for Katherine to find a husband. She is only 14 years old, but in mediaeval England, this was the standard age for marriage. But not for the young lady.
She inherited her mother’s kindness and curiosity, but she does not want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. She is literate and wishes to further her education, but she is gradually being imprisoned in her husband’s home. While her parents battle over her fate, she keeps a diary of her most valuable ideas. She lacks a unique sense of humour and the ability to frighten even the most daring groom. The young beauty, nicknamed Bird, appears to be harmless, but she is capable of flying away from any pompous fool who dares to ask for her hand in marriage. Watch new 2022 movies on afdah website without login.
2022, Adventure Movies
Genres: 2022 Movies | Adventure
Quality: HD
Directors: Lena Dunham
Writer: Lena Dunham, Karen Cushman, Aditya Agnihotri
Stars: Bella Ramsey, Billie Piper, Andrew Scott
How to watch Catherine Called Birdy 2022 online?
Katherine is raised by a domineering father and a caring mother. The girl’s fate is complicated by her parents’ various personalities. There isn’t much entertainment in a small town in a remote English province. Her father is a knight who takes part in military campaigns. When the man returns home, he decides it’s time for Katherine to find a husband. She is only 14 years old, but in mediaeval England, this was the standard age for marriage. But not for the young lady.
She inherited her mother’s kindness and curiosity, but she does not want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. She is literate and wishes to further her education, but she is gradually being imprisoned in her husband’s home. While her parents battle over her fate, she keeps a diary of her most valuable ideas. She lacks a unique sense of humour and the ability to frighten even the most daring groom. The young beauty, nicknamed Bird, appears to be harmless, but she is capable of flying away from any pompous fool who dares to ask for her hand in marriage. Watch new 2022 movies on afdah website without login.