Title: Chupa 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Jonás Cuarón
Writer: Sean Kennedy Moore,Joe Barnathan, Marcus Rinehart
Stars: Christian Slater, Evan Whitten, Ashley Ciarra
How to watch Chupa 2023 online?
The film’s main character is a young boy named Alex, who along with his mother moved to America from Mexico. Alex finds himself in the middle of it all, being judged by his peers as not being sufficiently American and showing little interest in his Spanish roots. When visiting his relatives in Mexico, Alex had a life-altering encounter with the fabled chupacabra. Watch new afdah movie now at home.
Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Afdah 2023, Drama Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Jonás Cuarón
Writer: Sean Kennedy Moore,Joe Barnathan, Marcus Rinehart
Stars: Christian Slater, Evan Whitten, Ashley Ciarra
How to watch Chupa 2023 online?
The film’s main character is a young boy named Alex, who along with his mother moved to America from Mexico. Alex finds himself in the middle of it all, being judged by his peers as not being sufficiently American and showing little interest in his Spanish roots. When visiting his relatives in Mexico, Alex had a life-altering encounter with the fabled chupacabra. Watch new afdah movie now at home.