Title: Cult of Chucky (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Don Mancini
Writer: Don Mancini
Stars: Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif
Synopsis: Confined over the past 4 years in an asylum, Nica Pierce (Fiona Dourif) ends up being convinced that she and not Chucky, killed her entire family. However, when her psychiatrist decides to introduce a “Good Guy” doll into her therapy, a chain of creepy deaths begins to panic in the madhouse, and Nica begins to doubt if Chucky really exists after all. Watch for more thriller movies by afdah online without any cost.
2017 Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2017 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Don Mancini
Writer: Don Mancini
Stars: Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif
Synopsis: Confined over the past 4 years in an asylum, Nica Pierce (Fiona Dourif) ends up being convinced that she and not Chucky, killed her entire family. However, when her psychiatrist decides to introduce a “Good Guy” doll into her therapy, a chain of creepy deaths begins to panic in the madhouse, and Nica begins to doubt if Chucky really exists after all. Watch for more thriller movies by afdah online without any cost.