Title: Dangerous Lies 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Michael M. Scott
Writer: David Golden
Stars: Nick Purcha, Joe Costa, Camila Mendes
Synopsis: Now watch latest 720p movie Dangerous Lies 2020 free online. The movie revolves around a caretaker a Katie. She starts her new job for an old rich man. After his death, the wealthy old man unexpectedly bequeathed his mansion to the new nurse who cared for him and, as a result, dragged her into a quagmire of fraud and murder. In order to survive, she must challenge the motives of those around her, even the people she loves. Enjoy streaming of latest afdah 2020 drama movie on our website.
2020 Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, Mystery Movies, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Michael M. Scott
Writer: David Golden
Stars: Nick Purcha, Joe Costa, Camila Mendes
Synopsis: Now watch latest 720p movie Dangerous Lies 2020 free online. The movie revolves around a caretaker a Katie. She starts her new job for an old rich man. After his death, the wealthy old man unexpectedly bequeathed his mansion to the new nurse who cared for him and, as a result, dragged her into a quagmire of fraud and murder. In order to survive, she must challenge the motives of those around her, even the people she loves. Enjoy streaming of latest afdah 2020 drama movie on our website.