Title: Dave Made a Maze (2017)
Genres: Movies 2017 | Adventure, Comedy, Horror
Language: English
Directors: Bill Watterson
Writer: Steven Sears (story by), Steven Sears
Stars: Kirsten Vangsness, John Hennigan, James Urbaniak
2017 Movies, Adventure Movies, Comedy Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies
Genres: Movies 2017 | Adventure, Comedy, Horror
Language: English
Directors: Bill Watterson
Writer: Steven Sears (story by), Steven Sears
Stars: Kirsten Vangsness, John Hennigan, James Urbaniak
Dave, a craftsman who still can’t seem to finish anything critical in his vocation, manufactures a fortification in his parlor out of immaculate dissatisfaction, just to end up caught by the fantastical entanglements, booby traps, and critters of his own creation. Here you can watch more afdah without any cost.