Title: Dead Sexy (2018)
Genres: 2018 Movies | Comedy
Directors: Brian Newell
Writers: Brian Newell, Rex Riffel
Stars: Alexandra Corin Johnston, Jacqi Vene, Greta Garland
2018 Movies, Comedy Movies, English Movie
Genres: 2018 Movies | Comedy
Directors: Brian Newell
Writers: Brian Newell, Rex Riffel
Stars: Alexandra Corin Johnston, Jacqi Vene, Greta Garland
Synopsis: Dead Sexy is a American comedy film directed and co-produced by Brian Newell. Alexandra Corin Johnston, Jacqi Vene and Greta Garland are the stars of film.The story is based on a women who are about to encounter a paranormal force. Get afdah watch movies online for free like this without any cost.