Title: Deadpool (2016)
Genres: 2016 Movies | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Language: English
Directors: Tim Miller
Writers: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick
Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller
This movie is about a person named Wade Wilson who thanks to his experience ends up working for the elite forces of the United States Army. When he retires from the army he becomes a paid thug, but he does not work for people with money, but for those who need his services and can not pay. We can say that he defends the weak. This is how his life goes on, together with his girlfriend, when they tell him that he has a serious illness. He has no cure, so he decides to volunteer for an experiment, which ensures a longer life expectancy, but that alters his genetics.That experiment makes him almost invincible, but at the same time it deforms his face and body. Thus, Wade is now Deadpool, an invincible but deformed mercenary, who takes life with a lot of humor to try to forget the personal drama he is going through. Watch complete Afdah Movie online in 720p quality without any cost.
Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Comedy Movies, English Movie, Sci-Fi Movies
Genres: 2016 Movies | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Language: English
Directors: Tim Miller
Writers: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick
Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller
This movie is about a person named Wade Wilson who thanks to his experience ends up working for the elite forces of the United States Army. When he retires from the army he becomes a paid thug, but he does not work for people with money, but for those who need his services and can not pay. We can say that he defends the weak. This is how his life goes on, together with his girlfriend, when they tell him that he has a serious illness. He has no cure, so he decides to volunteer for an experiment, which ensures a longer life expectancy, but that alters his genetics.That experiment makes him almost invincible, but at the same time it deforms his face and body. Thus, Wade is now Deadpool, an invincible but deformed mercenary, who takes life with a lot of humor to try to forget the personal drama he is going through. Watch complete Afdah Movie online in 720p quality without any cost.