Title: Dreamkatcher 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Kerry Harris
Writer: Kerry Harris, Dan V. Shea
Stars: Radha Mitchell, Henry Thomas, Finlay Wojtak-Hissong
Synopsis: Now watch latest 720p movie Dreamkatcher 2020 free online. Luke has a little son named Josh. After the death of his wife Luke marry Gail (boy’s stepmother). Josh is also not a big fan of his father’s new wife. After the death of his mother, the boy constantly sees nightmares about the death of his mother. To stop his bad dreams, a boy steals a dream catcher from a mysterious neighbor. But the boy could not even imagine what trouble, along with the trinket, he brought to the house. The thing is that with his theft he put his family in danger of attack by a nightmarish otherworldly creature. Enjoy afdah horror movies on our website.
2020 Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Kerry Harris
Writer: Kerry Harris, Dan V. Shea
Stars: Radha Mitchell, Henry Thomas, Finlay Wojtak-Hissong
Synopsis: Now watch latest 720p movie Dreamkatcher 2020 free online. Luke has a little son named Josh. After the death of his wife Luke marry Gail (boy’s stepmother). Josh is also not a big fan of his father’s new wife. After the death of his mother, the boy constantly sees nightmares about the death of his mother. To stop his bad dreams, a boy steals a dream catcher from a mysterious neighbor. But the boy could not even imagine what trouble, along with the trinket, he brought to the house. The thing is that with his theft he put his family in danger of attack by a nightmarish otherworldly creature. Enjoy afdah horror movies on our website.