Title: Encounter 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Michael Pearce
Writer: Joe Barton, Michael Pearce
Stars: Riz Ahmed, Octavia Spencer, Lucian-River Chauhan
How to watch Encounter 2021 online?
Sci-Fi Hollywood film Encounter 2021 is full of Thriller. This film story is written by Joe Barton and Michael Pearce. Michael has also given the directions in this film. The leading role of this film is Malik Khan (Riz Ahmed). Malik Khan is on a rescue mission in which he is going to fight with the inhuman threat. In this mission, he has to save his two young sons Jay Khan (Lucian-River Chauhan) and Bobby Khan (Aditya Geddada) from aliens. They both are also there with Malik in that mission. As their journey takes them in increasingly dangerous directions. Now three of them have to work together to defeat the inhuman threat. Here this movie is streaming online, you have to find it by watching this full film that what he is going to do to defeat the powers who were not from the earth. 6.3/10 IMDB Ratings are given by the viewers. This Afdah Movie platform is the best and safest Website for watching Hollywood movies online.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Michael Pearce
Writer: Joe Barton, Michael Pearce
Stars: Riz Ahmed, Octavia Spencer, Lucian-River Chauhan
How to watch Encounter 2021 online?
Sci-Fi Hollywood film Encounter 2021 is full of Thriller. This film story is written by Joe Barton and Michael Pearce. Michael has also given the directions in this film. The leading role of this film is Malik Khan (Riz Ahmed). Malik Khan is on a rescue mission in which he is going to fight with the inhuman threat. In this mission, he has to save his two young sons Jay Khan (Lucian-River Chauhan) and Bobby Khan (Aditya Geddada) from aliens. They both are also there with Malik in that mission. As their journey takes them in increasingly dangerous directions. Now three of them have to work together to defeat the inhuman threat. Here this movie is streaming online, you have to find it by watching this full film that what he is going to do to defeat the powers who were not from the earth. 6.3/10 IMDB Ratings are given by the viewers. This Afdah Movie platform is the best and safest Website for watching Hollywood movies online.
2021 Movies, Sci-Fi Movies, Thriller Movies