Title: Escape Plan The Extractors 2019
Genres: 2019 Movies | Action, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 4.9/10
Quality: CAM
Directors: John Herzfeld
Writer: Miles Chapman, John Herzfeld
Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Dave Bautista, 50 Cent
Synopsis: Security expert Ray Breslin (Stallone) is hired to rescue the daughter of a technology tycoon in Hong Kong who has been kidnapped and taken into custody in a prison in Latvia. As if this were not enough, his girlfriend (Jamie King) is also captured. Now, he and his team (Dave Bautista & Curtis ’50 Cent’ Jackson) must perform a rescue mission that will take them to face their worst enemy while trying to save the hostages. Watch more online movies only on afdah without any cost.
2019 Movies, Action Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2019 Movies | Action, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 4.9/10
Quality: CAM
Directors: John Herzfeld
Writer: Miles Chapman, John Herzfeld
Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Dave Bautista, 50 Cent
Synopsis: Security expert Ray Breslin (Stallone) is hired to rescue the daughter of a technology tycoon in Hong Kong who has been kidnapped and taken into custody in a prison in Latvia. As if this were not enough, his girlfriend (Jamie King) is also captured. Now, he and his team (Dave Bautista & Curtis ’50 Cent’ Jackson) must perform a rescue mission that will take them to face their worst enemy while trying to save the hostages. Watch more online movies only on afdah without any cost.