Title: Fallen 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Nicolo Fumero
Writer: Simone Chiattone, Nicolo’ Fumero, Francesco Lucci
Stars: Ortensia Fioravanti, Daniel McVicar, Alessia Pratolongo
How to watch Fallen 2022 online?
Fallen 2022 is a Horror movie written by Simone Chiattone, Nicolo’ Fumero, and Francesco Lucci. The direction of this film is also done by Nicolo Fumero. This film begins with the darkness falling on the earth. Father Abraham Fallen (Andrea Zirio) is called by the Grandmaster (Daniel McVicar). The leader of a secret arm of the church to carry out the mission of “violent mercy”. He and his wheelchair-bound daughter Sarah (Ortensia Fioravanti) leave town and head to a distant field to prepare for the future. Father Abraham is having some trouble, he has nightmares about the birth of his daughter, and the flashback seems like a runaway mistake it has been. Then one night he sees and shoots a strange human being. Unfortunately for her, it’s not alone. We hear about “The Darkness” on the radio and in conversation characters, and we see black clouds hovering in an opening scene. But whenever a person is out during the day, it is not particularly dark. It’s like a cloudy winter day. Father Abraham killed Sarah’s mother with an axe because he tried to use a sage to treat his daughter’s disability. And he didn’t do so much that he lost his custody. Afdah Com website’s best alternative is this platform, here you are getting new movies and TV Shows daily to watch online for free.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Horror
Quality: HD
Directors: Nicolo Fumero
Writer: Simone Chiattone, Nicolo’ Fumero, Francesco Lucci
Stars: Ortensia Fioravanti, Daniel McVicar, Alessia Pratolongo
How to watch Fallen 2022 online?
Fallen 2022 is a Horror movie written by Simone Chiattone, Nicolo’ Fumero, and Francesco Lucci. The direction of this film is also done by Nicolo Fumero. This film begins with the darkness falling on the earth. Father Abraham Fallen (Andrea Zirio) is called by the Grandmaster (Daniel McVicar). The leader of a secret arm of the church to carry out the mission of “violent mercy”. He and his wheelchair-bound daughter Sarah (Ortensia Fioravanti) leave town and head to a distant field to prepare for the future. Father Abraham is having some trouble, he has nightmares about the birth of his daughter, and the flashback seems like a runaway mistake it has been. Then one night he sees and shoots a strange human being. Unfortunately for her, it’s not alone. We hear about “The Darkness” on the radio and in conversation characters, and we see black clouds hovering in an opening scene. But whenever a person is out during the day, it is not particularly dark. It’s like a cloudy winter day. Father Abraham killed Sarah’s mother with an axe because he tried to use a sage to treat his daughter’s disability. And he didn’t do so much that he lost his custody. Afdah Com website’s best alternative is this platform, here you are getting new movies and TV Shows daily to watch online for free.
2022, afdah en español, English Movie, Horror Movies