Title: Fatal Affair 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Peter Sullivan
Writer: Peter Sullivan, Rasheeda Garner
Stars: Nia Long, Omar Epps, Stephen Bishop
Synopsis: Watch Fatal Affair 2020 movie free in 720p Quality. TFatal Affair is a drama movie. The story of the movie revolves around Ellie. Ellie is an unhappily married lawyer who is trying to save her marriage. But after reuniting and about to have an affair with David (an old friend), she finds herself caught in a web of deceit and nightmares. When she discovers his dangerous obsession, a dangerous and unstable guy. Users can access popular afdah movies online within just a click.
2020 Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Peter Sullivan
Writer: Peter Sullivan, Rasheeda Garner
Stars: Nia Long, Omar Epps, Stephen Bishop
Synopsis: Watch Fatal Affair 2020 movie free in 720p Quality. TFatal Affair is a drama movie. The story of the movie revolves around Ellie. Ellie is an unhappily married lawyer who is trying to save her marriage. But after reuniting and about to have an affair with David (an old friend), she finds herself caught in a web of deceit and nightmares. When she discovers his dangerous obsession, a dangerous and unstable guy. Users can access popular afdah movies online within just a click.