Title: Feel the Beat 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Elissa Down
Writer: Michael Armbruster, Shawn Ku
Stars: Sofia Carson, Pamela MacDonald, Sonia Laplante
Synopsis: Stream Feel the Beat 2020 movie in hd without registration. This is a family drama film. The movie is about a young girl named April. She is a dancer, auditions on Broadway. But April, who sacks in the audition, cannot achieve the success she wants. The young woman then decides to return to her hometown. April, who tries to direct her life in the town where she was born and grew up. She starts coaching a group of young dancers who are preparing to compete in a dance competition. Watch online afdah popular movies in hd quality free.
2020 Movies, Comedy Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, Family Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Elissa Down
Writer: Michael Armbruster, Shawn Ku
Stars: Sofia Carson, Pamela MacDonald, Sonia Laplante
Synopsis: Stream Feel the Beat 2020 movie in hd without registration. This is a family drama film. The movie is about a young girl named April. She is a dancer, auditions on Broadway. But April, who sacks in the audition, cannot achieve the success she wants. The young woman then decides to return to her hometown. April, who tries to direct her life in the town where she was born and grew up. She starts coaching a group of young dancers who are preparing to compete in a dance competition. Watch online afdah popular movies in hd quality free.