Title: Day Shift 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: J.J. Perry
Writer: Tyler Tice, Shay Hatten
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Dave Franco, Natasha Liu Bordizzo
How to watch Day Shift 2022 online?
Bud Jablonski (Jamie Foxx) is a working-class boy struggling to make ends meet. His estranged wife wants to move across the country with their daughter until he can prove he can afford her school and braces. He has just one week to raise $10,000, or his wife and daughter will have to move to Florida. Surrounded, it seems our heroes are doomed. wait? Is it Big John Elliott (Snoop Dogg)? Just in time, Big John came along to lend a hand. Bud leads an expedition into the tunnels, and everyone gets a chance to hit some a*s kates. Until they run into unavoidable danger, naturally, xx shows up and fires a Gatling gun, mowing down a whole host of vampires. On their way to Audrey, they make their way through the crowd, cheerfully cleaning up bad guys, and uncovering a lab-made sunscreen. Snoop does his thing but runs into trouble before he can fight the vampire. The vamp has no chance. As Bud and Big John approach, the Big Bad sniffs him out and it’s time for some hostage/captive shenanigans you’ll never take him, etc. Bud and xx work their way through the vampires, exchanging quips until they are so hurt, that Big John takes an unknowing bite. Big John has his heroic martyrdom by closing the doors, taking on the vamps himself, sealing his own doom, and freeing Bud to fight Audrey San Fernando (Karla Souza). The latest Releases for those you have to wait for are now old days, Here with Afdah Watch Movies Online that are recently released within a few hours of release.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: J.J. Perry
Writer: Tyler Tice, Shay Hatten
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Dave Franco, Natasha Liu Bordizzo
How to watch Day Shift 2022 online?
Bud Jablonski (Jamie Foxx) is a working-class boy struggling to make ends meet. His estranged wife wants to move across the country with their daughter until he can prove he can afford her school and braces. He has just one week to raise $10,000, or his wife and daughter will have to move to Florida. Surrounded, it seems our heroes are doomed. wait? Is it Big John Elliott (Snoop Dogg)? Just in time, Big John came along to lend a hand. Bud leads an expedition into the tunnels, and everyone gets a chance to hit some a*s kates. Until they run into unavoidable danger, naturally, xx shows up and fires a Gatling gun, mowing down a whole host of vampires. On their way to Audrey, they make their way through the crowd, cheerfully cleaning up bad guys, and uncovering a lab-made sunscreen. Snoop does his thing but runs into trouble before he can fight the vampire. The vamp has no chance. As Bud and Big John approach, the Big Bad sniffs him out and it’s time for some hostage/captive shenanigans you’ll never take him, etc. Bud and xx work their way through the vampires, exchanging quips until they are so hurt, that Big John takes an unknowing bite. Big John has his heroic martyrdom by closing the doors, taking on the vamps himself, sealing his own doom, and freeing Bud to fight Audrey San Fernando (Karla Souza). The latest Releases for those you have to wait for are now old days, Here with Afdah Watch Movies Online that are recently released within a few hours of release.
2022, Action Movies, afdah en español, Comedy Movies, English Movie, Fantasy Movies, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies