Title: Antlers 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Quality: HD
Directors: Scott Cooper
Writer: Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca, Scott Cooper
Stars: Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas
How to watch Antlers 2021 online?
Antlers 2021 is a new Drama Hollywood movie for viewers. It will be going to entertain them with Horror and Mystery hidden inside the story. The basic idea for this film’s story is taken from the short story “The Quiet Boy” written by Nick Antosca. In writing the screenplay, Nick has taken the help of Scott Cooper and Henry Chaisson. Scott Cooper has done the direction for this film. This whole film revolves around Frank Weaver (Scott Haze) and Aiden Weaver (Sawyer Jones). Frank runs a math lab in an abandoned mine in a small town in central Oregon. His young son Aiden was waiting for him in the truth outside that mine. Frank and his companion were working in the lab when they were attacked by an unknown creature. By listening to the abnormal sound from the lab, Aiden came out of the truck and started investigating it. But he had also been attacked by those creatures. Frank and Aiden returned home after escaping from their confrontation with the creature. After going through this whole horrible scene, their condition quickly deteriorates. The latest new trending Blockbuster Hollywood films are available with the Afdah Movies Online website, watch without any payments.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Quality: HD
Directors: Scott Cooper
Writer: Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca, Scott Cooper
Stars: Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas
How to watch Antlers 2021 online?
Antlers 2021 is a new Drama Hollywood movie for viewers. It will be going to entertain them with Horror and Mystery hidden inside the story. The basic idea for this film’s story is taken from the short story “The Quiet Boy” written by Nick Antosca. In writing the screenplay, Nick has taken the help of Scott Cooper and Henry Chaisson. Scott Cooper has done the direction for this film. This whole film revolves around Frank Weaver (Scott Haze) and Aiden Weaver (Sawyer Jones). Frank runs a math lab in an abandoned mine in a small town in central Oregon. His young son Aiden was waiting for him in the truth outside that mine. Frank and his companion were working in the lab when they were attacked by an unknown creature. By listening to the abnormal sound from the lab, Aiden came out of the truck and started investigating it. But he had also been attacked by those creatures. Frank and Aiden returned home after escaping from their confrontation with the creature. After going through this whole horrible scene, their condition quickly deteriorates. The latest new trending Blockbuster Hollywood films are available with the Afdah Movies Online website, watch without any payments.
2021 Movies, Drama Movies, Horror Movies, Mystery Movies