Title: Prisoners of the Ghostland 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Sion Sono
Writer: Aaron Hendry, Reza Sixo Safai
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Sofia Boutella, Nick Cassavetes
How to watch Prisoners of the Ghostland 2021 online?
Prisoners of the Ghostland 2021 is a new film that is streaming here is full of Action, Horror, and Thriller too. This film has scored 5.8 /10 ratings on IMDB. Aaron Hendry and Reza Sixo Safai have worked very hard for the story and Screenplay writings. Then under the direction of Sion Sono, Stars Nicolas Cage, Sofia Boutella, Nick Cassavetes and others too has made a great team to complete this project for you. The story is very interesting as a wealthy warlord’s adopted grand Daughter is missing. So he planned to take help from a ruthless bank robber who was in jail at that time. They both agreed on the deal that the bank robber will be freed if he successfully found his granddaughter. So now you have to watch this full movie to recognize the characters. Nicolas Cage has played the Hero’s role and Sofia Boutella as Bernice wealthy warlord’s adopted, Grand Daughter. For many more similar movies or other newly released movies, you have to visit Afdah 2021 and enjoy all the films at zero cost.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Sion Sono
Writer: Aaron Hendry, Reza Sixo Safai
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Sofia Boutella, Nick Cassavetes
How to watch Prisoners of the Ghostland 2021 online?
Prisoners of the Ghostland 2021 is a new film that is streaming here is full of Action, Horror, and Thriller too. This film has scored 5.8 /10 ratings on IMDB. Aaron Hendry and Reza Sixo Safai have worked very hard for the story and Screenplay writings. Then under the direction of Sion Sono, Stars Nicolas Cage, Sofia Boutella, Nick Cassavetes and others too has made a great team to complete this project for you. The story is very interesting as a wealthy warlord’s adopted grand Daughter is missing. So he planned to take help from a ruthless bank robber who was in jail at that time. They both agreed on the deal that the bank robber will be freed if he successfully found his granddaughter. So now you have to watch this full movie to recognize the characters. Nicolas Cage has played the Hero’s role and Sofia Boutella as Bernice wealthy warlord’s adopted, Grand Daughter. For many more similar movies or other newly released movies, you have to visit Afdah 2021 and enjoy all the films at zero cost.
2021 Movies, Action Movies, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies