Title: Bloodshot 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Quality: HD
Directors: Dave Wilson
Writer: Jeff Wadlow, Eric Heisserer
Stars: Eiza González, Sam Heughan, Vin Diesel
Synopsis: Download newly released action movie Bloodshot in 720p quality. Ray Garrison the main character of this movie is killed and his wife is also murdered. A team of Scientists revive Ray with nanotechnology, he becomes a superhero named Bloodshot. First, Ray is under-training with his fellow soldiers, even he cannot remember his past life. But, when his memory is back, he leaves the organization to get revenge from them who killed both him and his wife. Stream popular afdah action movies free at high buffering speed.
2020 Movies, Action Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, Sci-Fi Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Quality: HD
Directors: Dave Wilson
Writer: Jeff Wadlow, Eric Heisserer
Stars: Eiza González, Sam Heughan, Vin Diesel
Synopsis: Download newly released action movie Bloodshot in 720p quality. Ray Garrison the main character of this movie is killed and his wife is also murdered. A team of Scientists revive Ray with nanotechnology, he becomes a superhero named Bloodshot. First, Ray is under-training with his fellow soldiers, even he cannot remember his past life. But, when his memory is back, he leaves the organization to get revenge from them who killed both him and his wife. Stream popular afdah action movies free at high buffering speed.