Title: Moon Knight Season 1 All Episodes
Genres: 2022 TV Show | Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Quality: HD
Directors: Doug Moench
Writer: Doug Moench
Stars: Oscar Isaac, Ethan Hawke, May Calamawy
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Episode 01 The Goldfish Problem
Steven Grant, a National Gallery employee, experiences a blackout and awakens in the Austrian Alps one night. Grant attends a cult gathering headed by Arthur Harrow, who unwittingly demands the Scorpio grant he has in his hands. He has numerous further blackouts, and before waking up at his residence, he hears a mysterious voice in his brain attempting to leave. Grant realizes that it has been two days since he went to bed, during which time his goldfish have been changed and he has missed a date. Grant discovers a concealed phone and keycard in his apartment and receives a call from the phone’s most frequent number, a lady called Layla who identifies him as Marc. Grant meets Harrow at work the next day, who claims to be a servant of the Egyptian goddess Ammit. Harrow conjures an Anubis-related fox to attack Grant in the museum later that night. Placing Grant in the restroom’s corner, his reflection in the mirror calls to him and urges him to regain control of his body. Grant agrees and transforms into a clad warrior who slaughters a fox.

Watch Episode 01 (The Goldfish Problem)

Episode 02 Summon the Suit
Damage to the restroom has resulted in the awarding of a grant. He enters the storage locker with the keycard and discovers the scarf. He communicates with his “reflection,” another ego in Grant’s body that manifests as the American tenant Mark Specter, the current incarnation of the Egyptian moon deity Khonshu. Grant meets Specter’s wife, Laila, who was ignorant of Grant’s location until being apprehended by Harrow police officers. The latter reveals that she was Khonshu’s final incarnation until she decided to follow Amrit because she prevents damage rather than pursuing punishment for Khonshu’s previous actions. Hero wishes to utilize Scarab to locate Amit’s grave and resurrect him in order to rid humanity of evil. Grant is rescued by Laila, but Harrow summons another fox. Grant summons his own suit to combat the fox, but he is defeated and allows Specter to take control. Specter kills the fox but loses his place next to the hero. If Khonshu fails to stop Harrow before sending Specter to Egypt, he threatens to seize Laila as his next incarnation.

Watch Episode 02 (Summon the Suit)

Episode 03 The Friendly Type
Harrow and his followers find out the location of Ammit’s grave in the desert. In Cairo, both Spector and Grant experience a blackout while tracking the lead to Harrow’s location. After failing to obtain information, Khonshu convenes a council between his fellow Egyptian gods and their incarnations to warn of Harrow’s plans, but Harrow successfully denies the allegations. Hathor’s incarnation, Yatzil, tells Specter to find the sarcophagus of a Medj, who knew the location of Amrit’s grave. Laila finds Specter and takes her to meet Anton Mogart, one of Laila’s acquaintances, who owns Sarcophagus. Harrow arrives and destroys the sarcophagus, forcing Specter, Grant, and Laila to fight Mogart’s men and flee into the desert. Grant collected fragments of the sarcophagus on a star map, but it is 2,000 years old. Khonshu uses his powers to temporarily turn the night sky towards the right night, allowing Grant and Laila to locate Amrit’s grave. The other gods imprison Khonshu for this, leaving Grant and Specter’s bodies unconscious and powerless.

Watch Episode 03 (The Friendly Type)

Episode 04 The Tomb
Grant and Layla find a desolate campsite on the site of Ammit’s tomb, an illusion in the form of Horus’s Eye. They find out that some of Hero’s men have been killed by Egyptian priests who attack them. Layla defeats the priests but confronts Harrow, who claims that Specter was one of the tenants who killed her archeological father, Abdallah El-Faouly. Grant and Spector search the tomb and discover that the last incarnation of Ammit was Alexander the Great. He regained the praise of Ammit from inside Alexander’s body. Layla angrily confronts Specter, who states that before Khonshu resurrected Spector as his avatar, his partner killed Layla’s father and Specter himself. Harrow arrives and shoots Specter, who is awakened by the people of his life in a populated psychiatric hospital. After escaping from Harrow, who appears to be a therapist at the hospital, Specter finds Grant trapped in a sarcophagus in a separate body. They also see another sarcophagus trapped inside with another person, before being greeted by a picture of a horse’s head.

Watch Episode 04 (The Tomb)

Episode 05 Asylum
The woman with the head of Hippopotamus is the Egyptian goddess Taweret, who states that Spector and Grant are dead and that the “psychiatric hospital” is a boat that is going through life after Duat, Egypt. She weighs their hearts on the scales of justice to determine if they can enter Reed’s realm, but the heart is unbalanced by the hidden memories that she suggests researching together. Grant recalls Specter’s younger brother Randall’s sinking and Specter’s mother blames him for it, while Specter shows Grant how he became the incarnation of Khonshu on a mission with his fellow Bushman, who Laila’s father was killed. Specter and Grant persuade Tweet to help him return to the living world so that they can stop the hero, and she takes the boat to the gates of Osiris. Specter reluctantly states that he inadvertently created the grant as a result of his mother’s abuse. Grant and Specter match each other, but their scales fail to balance and are attacked by enemy spirits, dragging Grant into the dugout where he turns to the sand. Scale balance and Specter find themselves in the realm of reeds.

Watch Episode 05 (Asylum)

Episode 06 Gods and Monsters
Laila receives a message from Twerett, asking him to find and release Khonshu so that he can revive Specter. Hero uses Amrit’s power to kill the incarnations of other Egyptian deities before releasing Ammit, who chooses him to be his new incarnation, while Laila seeks out Khonshu’s Aushabti and releases him. Laila refuses to be Khonshu’s new incarnation, so she faces Amit alone but is overpowered. Specter, meanwhile, refuses to be alone in the Reeds area and chooses to return to the DWAT and Survival Grant instead. With the help of Taweret, they escape through the gates of Osiris and return to their bodies. Khonshu feels their return and reunion with them, heals their bodies, and restores their powers. Laila realizes that if the incarnations of various deities bind her in a mortal body, then Amrit can be defeated, so she temporarily joins the tower. Harrow, Amrit, and their followers begin to judge everyone in Cairo until Specter, Grant, Laila, and Khonshu arrive to engage them in battle. The hero beats Specter and Grant and kills them almost until they are both blacked out and wake up again to find out that they have somehow beaten him mercilessly. Specter and Laila are able to seal Amrit in Hero’s body, re-capturing him. Khonshu requested Specter to hang Harrow and Amrit, but Specter refused and ordered Khonshu and Grant to be released from their service. Specter and Grant find themselves in an imaginary “refuge” again, but reject it and choose to continue their new life together. In a post-credits scene, a crippled hero is abducted from a psychiatric hospital and killed by Jake Lockley, a third alternative to Specter and Grant, who is still linked to Khonshu.

Watch Episode 06 (Gods and Monsters)