Title: Hidden Strike 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Comedy, Action, Adventure
Quality: HD
Directors: Scott Waugh
Writer: Arash Amel
Stars: Jackie Chan, John Cena, Pilou Asbæk
How to watch Hidden Strike 2023 online?
In the near future, an unknown rebel force attacks an Iraqi refinery controlled by China. A mercenary team lead by Luo Feng uses the Highway of Death to transport all 498 employees, including his estranged daughter Mei, to the safety of Baghdad Green Zone. In other news, Chris Van Horne, a former Marine who remained in Iraq after the war, is raising funds to repair the village’s water system. He’s also heard that the terrorist responsible for the deaths of many of his father’s squadmates traveling to The Green Zone in a bus convoy. For watching latest hits by Hollywood, visit Afdah on your smartphone.
Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Afdah 2023, Comedy Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Comedy, Action, Adventure
Quality: HD
Directors: Scott Waugh
Writer: Arash Amel
Stars: Jackie Chan, John Cena, Pilou Asbæk
How to watch Hidden Strike 2023 online?
In the near future, an unknown rebel force attacks an Iraqi refinery controlled by China. A mercenary team lead by Luo Feng uses the Highway of Death to transport all 498 employees, including his estranged daughter Mei, to the safety of Baghdad Green Zone. In other news, Chris Van Horne, a former Marine who remained in Iraq after the war, is raising funds to repair the village’s water system. He’s also heard that the terrorist responsible for the deaths of many of his father’s squadmates traveling to The Green Zone in a bus convoy. For watching latest hits by Hollywood, visit Afdah on your smartphone.