Title: House of the Dragon S02E03
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Quality: HD
How to Watch House of the Dragon S02E03 online?
He proclaimed Rhaenyra, his daughter, to be the heir apparent to everyone. However, he promised his wife, Queen Alicent, that his eldest son, Aegon—“The Prince That Was Promised,” as Viserys called the callow child—would be the one to bring the nation together on the most important night of all, the night of his death. That’s how it seemed to Alicent. We in the audience understood that when he spoke the name Aegon, he was making reference to both Aegon the Conqueror—his prophetic ancestor—and Aegon’s vision of a post-apocalyptic struggle against evil. Everything becomes obvious after Rhaenyra’s valiant and covert mission to force a one-on-one meeting with her frenemy of frenemies by sneaking back into King’s Landing. In her heart, Alicent thinks Viserys wanted Aegon. Watch Online wide range of movies and television series via Afdah Movie Website.
2024 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Quality: HD
How to Watch House of the Dragon S02E03 online?
He proclaimed Rhaenyra, his daughter, to be the heir apparent to everyone. However, he promised his wife, Queen Alicent, that his eldest son, Aegon—“The Prince That Was Promised,” as Viserys called the callow child—would be the one to bring the nation together on the most important night of all, the night of his death. That’s how it seemed to Alicent. We in the audience understood that when he spoke the name Aegon, he was making reference to both Aegon the Conqueror—his prophetic ancestor—and Aegon’s vision of a post-apocalyptic struggle against evil. Everything becomes obvious after Rhaenyra’s valiant and covert mission to force a one-on-one meeting with her frenemy of frenemies by sneaking back into King’s Landing. In her heart, Alicent thinks Viserys wanted Aegon. Watch Online wide range of movies and television series via Afdah Movie Website.