Title: House of the Dragon S02E07
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Quality: HD
How to Watch House of the Dragon S02E07 online?
After the events of the previous episode, Rhaenyra encountered Addam of Hull and Seasmoke. Addam expressed confusion as to why a dragon would approach him, as he believed he had no involvement in the prior incidents. Despite this, he knelt to pledge his loyalty to Rhaenyra, which pleased her. Concerns about Addam’s innocence and the acceptance of their arrangement by others persisted. One significant obstacle was Jacaerys’s apprehensions, and Addam struggled to reconcile his humble upbringing with the illustrious Targaryen family history. They failed to grasp the larger picture. It’s possible that Rhaenyra had been targeting the wrong individuals to become dragonriders, and due to the abundance of Targaryen bastards, she may have mistaken them for potential dragonriders. Stream this episode of House of the Dragon Season 2 on Afdah Website.