Title: Hunting Ava Bravo 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Gary Auerbach
Writer: Julie Auerbach, Kevin Tavolaro, Marc Blucas
Stars: Kate del Castillo, Marc Blucas, Halem Medina
How to watch Hunting Ava Bravo 2022 online?
Ava Bravo (Kate del Castillo) wakes up in a cabin in the snowy woods. A pre-recorded message tells him that five miles to the north is a snowmobile that will take him to civilization. The catch is that elite player Buddy King (Marc Blucas) will hunt her down as she tries to reach it and he’ll come up from the basement in seconds. She attacks him as he leaves the cabin, beats him unconscious, and heads for the snowmobile. But it couldn’t quite be that simple, can it? Director Gary Auerbach and screenwriters Julie Auerbach and Kevin Tavolaro have Ava Bravo hunted with A few random characters and lots of trees with two leads as a very economical variation on the most dangerous game. In fact, Hunting Ava Bravo’s first act is almost entirely a one-woman show as Ava wanders the location only to find nothing but a booby trap, forcing her to retreat to the cabin where Buddy has recovered. And still, have dinner to myself. Handcuffed, he kept her inside. And it doesn’t go much better once he’s back at the cabin, though we find out why he was chosen for his latest hunt. The site you are browsing upon is Afdah Website, here you welcome anytime and from anywhere in the world.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Gary Auerbach
Writer: Julie Auerbach, Kevin Tavolaro, Marc Blucas
Stars: Kate del Castillo, Marc Blucas, Halem Medina
How to watch Hunting Ava Bravo 2022 online?
Ava Bravo (Kate del Castillo) wakes up in a cabin in the snowy woods. A pre-recorded message tells him that five miles to the north is a snowmobile that will take him to civilization. The catch is that elite player Buddy King (Marc Blucas) will hunt her down as she tries to reach it and he’ll come up from the basement in seconds. She attacks him as he leaves the cabin, beats him unconscious, and heads for the snowmobile. But it couldn’t quite be that simple, can it? Director Gary Auerbach and screenwriters Julie Auerbach and Kevin Tavolaro have Ava Bravo hunted with A few random characters and lots of trees with two leads as a very economical variation on the most dangerous game. In fact, Hunting Ava Bravo’s first act is almost entirely a one-woman show as Ava wanders the location only to find nothing but a booby trap, forcing her to retreat to the cabin where Buddy has recovered. And still, have dinner to myself. Handcuffed, he kept her inside. And it doesn’t go much better once he’s back at the cabin, though we find out why he was chosen for his latest hunt. The site you are browsing upon is Afdah Website, here you welcome anytime and from anywhere in the world.
2022, Action Movies, afdah en español, English Movie, Thriller Movies