Title: If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Musical
Quality: HD
Directors: Colin Tilley
Writer: Halsey
Stars: Halsey, Sasha Lane, Vuk Celebic
How to watch If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power 2021 online?
If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power 2021 is a Drama, Fantasy, and Horror film. It is the Musical album that will be released by the fourth studio But before that Halsey has released a movie with a similar name. Halsey is a Famous American singer and songwriter But this film’s story is written by her. Colin Tilley has done directions for this film. This whole film revolves around the pregnant Queen Lila (Halsey). This movie is portraying the whole story of the Queen as she has written songs and according to lyrics, she has tried creating the movie. In this film, Sasha Lane has played the role of The Seer and Vuk Celebic as The King. Watch and Enjoy this movie and wait for the music album with a similar name. Afdah Movie platform is available for you with many top rating Hollywood films, browse now on your devices and enjoy them online.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Musical
Quality: HD
Directors: Colin Tilley
Writer: Halsey
Stars: Halsey, Sasha Lane, Vuk Celebic
How to watch If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power 2021 online?
If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power 2021 is a Drama, Fantasy, and Horror film. It is the Musical album that will be released by the fourth studio But before that Halsey has released a movie with a similar name. Halsey is a Famous American singer and songwriter But this film’s story is written by her. Colin Tilley has done directions for this film. This whole film revolves around the pregnant Queen Lila (Halsey). This movie is portraying the whole story of the Queen as she has written songs and according to lyrics, she has tried creating the movie. In this film, Sasha Lane has played the role of The Seer and Vuk Celebic as The King. Watch and Enjoy this movie and wait for the music album with a similar name. Afdah Movie platform is available for you with many top rating Hollywood films, browse now on your devices and enjoy them online.
2021 Movies, Drama Movies, Fantasy Movies, Horror Movies, Musical Movies