Title: Joker: Folie à Deux 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Crime, Drama, Musical, Thriller
Quality: HD
How to Watch Joker: Folie à Deux 2024 online?
The majority of the story takes place in a prison where Arthur Fleck, also known as the Joker. Is being held without trial for the five murders he committed in the first film. The guards, lead by the menacing Brendan Gleason, are likewise treating Fleck in a sadistic manner. Arthur meets Lee, also known as Hayley Quinzel, also known as Harley Quinn, in prison. Lee would go on to become the love of his life. Joaquin Phoenix, who fairly amazingly changed from Arthur Fleck to the Joker in the new film, doesn’t have much more opportunity to develop as a character, Psychological analyses of him don’t really offer. What we already understood from the first one. It must be acknowledged that Phoenix shed a significant amount of weight for the jail scenes. Any Famous English Movies Stream Online visit on Afdah.