Title: Jules 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
Quality: HD
Directors: Marc Turtletaub
Writer: Gavin Steckler
Stars: Ben Kingsley, Harriet Sansom Harris, Jane Curtin
How to watch Jules 2023 online?
Milton, a widower who maintains a rigid schedule and lives alone, is the film’s primary character. Denise, her father’s caregiver, worries about his mental decline and provides for him. After an extraterrestrial spaceship crashes, his daughter is further convinced by his altered behavior that he is getting sicker and sicker. While struggling with the denial of losing his mind and comprehending what he is going through, Milton befriends the alien, nursing it back to health and enjoying its uncritical company. His next door neighbors Sandy and Joyce soon learn of his secret and find comfort in the extraterrestrial’s friendship. Enjoy latest movies online on Afdah 2023.
Afdah 2023, Comedy Movies, Drama Movies, Sci-Fi Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
Quality: HD
Directors: Marc Turtletaub
Writer: Gavin Steckler
Stars: Ben Kingsley, Harriet Sansom Harris, Jane Curtin
How to watch Jules 2023 online?
Milton, a widower who maintains a rigid schedule and lives alone, is the film’s primary character. Denise, her father’s caregiver, worries about his mental decline and provides for him. After an extraterrestrial spaceship crashes, his daughter is further convinced by his altered behavior that he is getting sicker and sicker. While struggling with the denial of losing his mind and comprehending what he is going through, Milton befriends the alien, nursing it back to health and enjoying its uncritical company. His next door neighbors Sandy and Joyce soon learn of his secret and find comfort in the extraterrestrial’s friendship. Enjoy latest movies online on Afdah 2023.